Soap Clicker 1.1

Hey again~

Based on Feedback & Play testing 
I did some Minor Updates.

Patch Notes:
- Numbers below 1M won't be shortened
- Power Ups Spawn locations, Spawn way less in Corners.

Small Changes:
- I moved Game version from Game Title to Soapboard place, as that looks better.
- Added way more Number Prefixes, for Future Progression.

Hotfixed: to Version 1.1.1:
Soapboard didn't Format Correctly.

Future Development, will be Set on Hold for a bit.
As I need to Finish some other Projects 1st.

However, As I'm been Play Testing. 
I Notice the game Lags quite a bit.
I'm not sure if it's the game or my PC.

So.. Just to make sure in the Future.
I Will Remake this game, in an Engine I known way more than Python.
Which is GameMaker.

This game is already very small,
so it won't take long time to Remake it.

Plans for the Remake:
Game will obviously run Smoother.
- Add Options.
- Add more Progression:
 Enemy types,
 Player Level System.

Basically a lot of RPG Elements, I want to add. :D

But until then, Enjoy the very Basic Numbers Progression~
Cya Later~


Soap Clicker.exe 17 MB
3 days ago

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